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Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog

Allergies Bothering You? Try Upgrading Your Air Filter

‘Tis the season of ragweed and other potent allergens, and if your eyes and nose have been feeling these microscopic organisms, it may be time to consider upgrading your air conditioner’s air filter. Why? The air filter that comes with your AC, known as the standard air filter, is not made to screen out small particles like allergens; as such, your standard air filter does almost nothing to remove these pesky little particles. However, the indoor air quality experts at Bartels Heating & Cooling can help with your allergies by working with you to upgrade your air filter to one that is effective at removing these allergens.

What’s the Difference?

The main reason upgrading to a better air filter helps is that the filter media – the material inside the filter frame – has a tighter weave. This is indicated by the filter’s MERV number, which is a number on a scale of 1 to 20 (with 20 being the highest) that indicates how effective a certain type of filter will be. Residential property owners who are looking to have cleaner, healthier air along with better removal of allergens will want to use an air filter with MERV ratings between 5-12. Any higher than this and you run the risk of having a filter so strong that it restricts your air conditioner’s air flow.

Why do tighter weaves work better at capturing particles like allergens? Your standard air filter can’t capture particles smaller than 10 microns; the vast majority of allergen particles are much smaller than this, typically in the 3-5 micron range. Air filters with higher MERV ratings are capable of capturing smaller particles, making your air more comfortable to breathe.

We Are Here to Help

The trained indoor air quality specialists at Bartels Heating & Cooling can help you determine which type of air filter will be best for you and your home in Oxford, OH. Give us a call today and schedule an appointment!

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