Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Replace Your Heating System before the End of the Season

Monday, March 7th, 2016

If your heating system is reaching its breaking point, there’s no time to wait. Whether the heating season is nearly at its end or there are a few weeks left of cool weather, you deserve a new, high-performance, more efficient heater for this season and for all the years to come. And the best time to replace a struggling heater? Right now!

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What to Do About Your High Heating Costs

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

If you feel that your heating costs seem to be much too high these days, you might worry that the only way to save a few bucks is to shut off your heating system for a while. Of course, this will save you some money, but it isn’t exactly an ideal way to save on monthly costs. Find out more ways to save on heating without feeling uncomfortable in our guide.

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When Repairing a Heater Isn’t Enough

Monday, February 15th, 2016

When you notice that your heating system is failing, you hope for the best as you pick up the phone to call a technician. You want to be able to get the repairs you need quickly and you’re probably hoping that your heater won’t need to be replaced.

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Upgrades Available with New Furnaces that You Might Not Know about

Monday, February 1st, 2016

You might assume that all furnaces are fairly similar. But year after year, new advancements in technology make some furnaces more effective and efficient than others. And with optional upgrades like smart thermostats and zone control available, there’s no better time to get a new whole-home heater for a new home, or if an old system needs replace-ment.

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3 Things You Should Know about Your Furnace

Monday, January 25th, 2016

Chances are high that your home heating system is a furnace. There is no whole-home heater more common in the US. And we think there are a few things you should know about this system you use every single day, even though you may have very little background on it in the first place.

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4 Signs Your Heating System Should Be Replaced

Monday, January 18th, 2016

We understand that you want to save some money by holding onto your older heater as long as possible. But at what point does holding onto a failing heater become more troublesome than upgrading to a more efficient system? Check out 4 of the signs that your older heater might be due for a replacement, even if it has not broken down just yet.

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The Dangers of Using a Space Heater

Monday, December 28th, 2015

Many homeowners have the one room or space in their home that just doesn’t ever seem to warm up during the winter months. It can be annoying and frustrating to deal with a problem like this, as you don’t want to raise the temperature throughout your entire home just to warm up this one spot. A solution for many dealing with this issue is to purchase and use a space heater, but this is ill-advised for a few reasons that we’ll outline below.

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What Is Kettling?

Monday, December 21st, 2015

It may sound quaint – “kettling” – but it’s actually indicative of a fairly serious problem with your boiler. Our experts have come across the problem of kettling multiple times, so if you hear your boiler making a sound like a tea kettle just before it reaches its full boiling point, it is time to give us a call.

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Some Basics about Electronic Ignition

Monday, December 14th, 2015

If you have a relatively new furnace or boiler heating system (updated within the last 5 years), then your heater ignites using electronic ignition. This is because standing pilots tend to waste a lot of fuel, so mandates were put in place several years ago for manufacturers to equip combustion heating systems with electronic ignition components rather than a standing pilot. There are two types of electronic ignition, as we’ll outline below, and it’s important to know which type you have so that you can inform your Bartels Heating & Cooling technician should an ignition problem develop with your heater.

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What Is the Benefit of Using a Hybrid Heating System?

Monday, December 7th, 2015

The cold weather is here and homeowners are using their heating systems full time once again. If you are looking at replacing your heating system in the near future, you may want to give consideration to a hybrid heating system. A hybrid heating system provides you with all the benefits a heat pump HVAC system has to offer in addition to a back-up gas furnace. Why choose this kind of system for your home in Fairfield, OH? We’ll explain more below.

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