Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Filtration’

Do I Need Professionals for Air Filter Installation?

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Homeowners often wonder if they need professional help to install air filters, especially whole-house air filters. While it’s understandable that you might consider a DIY approach to save some money, there are several compelling reasons why professional air filtration installation in Hamilton, OH is the best choice. 

Below, we’ll explain why whole-house air filters are crucial for indoor air quality and why professional installation is necessary to ensure your HVAC system’s efficiency and longevity.

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How Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Health

Monday, June 12th, 2017

sick-woman-indoorsIn our industry, the term “indoor air quality” can have a lot of different meanings. Poor indoor air quality can affect a home in a lot of different ways. Excess humidity can make you uncomfortable, particularly in warm weather, and a lack of humidity can dry out your skin and even the furniture in your home. Poor ventilation makes the air feel stale, and leaks in the ductwork could raise your bills.

However, probably the biggest concern with your indoor air quality is health. The health of your family matters most of all, but you may be unclear of the impact of your home’s air. We have some information below. For a customized indoor air quality product for your whole home, reach out to our award-winning team!

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Spring Reminder: Change the Air Filter and Get the AC Ready

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

AC-filter-air-filtrationAs allergy season approaches, you might notice that the people in your household are sneezing and coughing a little more. Changing the air filter may help to alleviate allergy symptoms, which is part of why we recommend doing so each month or so. But did you know that this serves a different purpose when it comes to the state of your air conditioning system?

Changing the filter can actually help air flow through your air conditioner with ease and prevent sudden system failure. But that’s not the only step to take to prepare your air conditioner for spring. Read on to learn the importance of changing the air filter and what else you should do to get your AC ready for spring.

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Indoor Air Quality Control That Really Works

Monday, March 6th, 2017

sick-woman-indoorsYour heating and air conditioning systems should (hopefully) have filters that help to block particles from coming through the vents. You may have heard that you should change your filters at least a few times a year, with some people urging filter replacements every month.

While changing your filter regularly is certainly important, is it really going to help with your most severe indoor air quality problems? Not necessarily. For indoor air quality control you can count on, you may need something a lot more powerful. Our technicians detail their suggestions below, but you can call our team to learn more.

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